An analogy is a comparison that points out similarities in two things that might be different in other ways.
- Ant is to anthill as bird is to nest.
- Fish is to swim as bird is to _____________.
- Choose the items to be compared. (Fish and bird)
- Identify the connecting clue in the items. (swim)
- Determine how the first two items are related.
- (movement)
- Complete the analogy by choosing an item that relates to the third item (movement). Fish is to swim as bird is to fly.
Oral Practice
- Puppy is to dog as kitten is to _______________ (cat)
- Rain is to rain drop as snow is to _______________ (snow flake)
- Bird is to feathers as fish is to _______________ (scales)
- Foot is to leg as hand is to _______________ (arm)
- Meow is to cat as bow wow is to _______________ (dog)
- Air plane is to sky as car is to _______________ (road)